So you have this gnawing issue that just won't go away, and you've been thinking for some time, so let's get a few quotes in and then you can decide if there is any action to be taken.
Well don't call us.
If we don't see fire sprouting from your eyes and hear fists on tables, then frankly, you don't have a problem we're interested in. There are only so many days in life walking on this planet, and only if you feel the same are we going to find a match here. Fun and fury, or forget it.
When we aren't consulting, we're riding. We ride hard and long. We work hard and long. We'd like you to do the same, and love it as much as we do. If what you're doing doesn't mean anything to you, you're doing it the wrong way.
Today isn't supposed to be like yesterday, never was, never will be. For good or bad, nature has a way of making it so, and if she doesn't... Well, my friend, it's all up to you.
The time to kick ass is now. You have nothing to die for.
If you're ready to ride, drop a line to...
A final word. All in or we cut your tires.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
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